How to install DashboardFox for Linux

Version: DashboardFox v12 or higher
Role: You must have root privileges or be a root-equivalent user to perform this installation.

Supported Versions:  

Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, 24.04
Debian 11, 12
Fedora 38,39,40
Redhat 9
Rocky Linux 9
CentOS 9
Amazon Linux 2023
Oracle 9

In this article, we will provide the steps to install DashboardFox on supported versions of Linux. To begin the installation, SSH to a root or root-level user and follow these steps. 

After the installation, we will guide you through activating the trial license of Yurbi and optionally configuring DashboardFox to leverage HTTPS and an SSL certificate, if desired.

Getting Started

To start, SSH to your Ubuntu server as root or a root-level user.

ssh root@your-server-ip

Follow the steps below to complete the installation.

Step 1: Run the Installation Command

To install DashboardFox, execute the following command in your terminal:

curl -s | sudo bash

This command will download and run the DashboardFox installation script. If you encounter an error indicating that your version is not supported, refer to the list of supported Linux versions above. For assistance with a specific distribution or version, please contact [email protected].

Step 2: Begin Installation

When the installer dialogue displays, press Enter to begin the installation process.

Step 3: Monitor Progress

The installer dialogue will provide an approximate percentage as the installation progresses. In some cases, it may appear to be hung; however, please be patient as some steps do take longer to configure.

To see the progress in more detail, SSH to another terminal window and monitor the detailed log with the following command:

sudo tail -f /root/dashboardfox_install.log

Step 4: Script Completion and Next Steps

Upon completion of the script, you will see this dialogue. The results of the install are located at /root/dashboardfox_install.log.

To confirm the installation:

1. Open a browser and navigate to:  http://<server ip>/
2. The Yurbi login screen should appear
3. Login with the default credentials:
        user: admin
        password: dashboardfox

You should see a yellow alert bar indicating that you must activate DashboardFox. Follow the instructions to proceed with the activation process.

Next Steps

Next, you will want to complete the activation process. You can view this article for the steps to complete that.

Post Activation Suggested Activities:

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How to Install DashboardFox for Windows
How to configure DashboardFox on Linux for HTTPS/SSL